EDET 703, Spring 2012
Graphic I Assignment
January 25, 2012
I used Adobe Photoshop to complete the Graphic I assignment and create my .jpg files.
My EDET703 Webpage can be accessed at http://www.shelbyesimmons.me/edet703.html
My Graphic I Assignment can be accessed directly at http://www.shelbyesimmons.me/graphic1.html
On the surface, this appears to be an easy assignment, and I have used Adobe Photoshop in the past; however, I have since chosen to use free programs such as GIMP and Paint.NET for editing and design, even in EDET 603. A sample of work completed in those programs can be found at http://ccsdtitle1.org and http://simmonss603.wikispaces.com.
I decided to work with Adobe, so I visited http://adobe.com in order to download the free trial version of Photoshop CS5.1 on to my Windows7 laptop. The initial download of the Adobe installer was successful, but the installation and the download of Photoshop required a visit to the knowledge base and a restart in order to complete. It took a total of about 15 minutes to complete the download once I got it started and several more to extract it, then it took about 25 minutes to install and get started, but now I have 30 days of Photoshop!
In addition to watching Dr. Senn’s video, I copied the instructions for the assignment from the blackboard website and reviewed some of the reflections from other students in the hopes of uncovering issues before I started. This first tip? Save the .psd file with the proper file name first! A second tip from last semester? Create the website and webpage first, and create a folder for the assignment since you will need to submit several files all together.
To summarize, I completed the following steps:
Open Photoshop, new file>resize to 1” by .5”>save as SimmonsSG1Name.psd
I selected the text tool and typed my name. I changed the font to another sans-serif font and enlarged the text to fill the space. I saved the image for the web as a jpg.
I created a new layer by duplicating the 2nd layer (background is the first) which is now named Shelby Copy. Then I changed the layer properties to change the gradient to 50% and selected a new color style (effects/gradient overlay) and saved the layer as a jpg for the web.
On the second copy I beveled and embossed my first name and saved for the web.
Next I duplicated the primary label and used the text tool to change the text to my last name and resized to fit the space. I saved my last name as a jpg and the created 2 additional layers. I altered each layer either with emboss/bevel, gradient, or another layer adjustment.
I closed the SimmonsSG1name.psd file and then opened a windows sample picture file that I resized to be smaller than 300x300 pix. I saved the .jpg as a .psd file and created two additional layers.
I added the “satin” adjustment to one layer and a blue color to the other layer, saved each layer as a jpg, and after saving the .psd file, I closed the program and prepared to post my project. The individual stages and .jpgs are on my webpage in side-by-side comparisons and as a slide show.
I am very proud to have completed the assignment, I have some anxiety about using Photoshop that is based on previous unflattering product results. I am often told that the program is intuitively designed so I suppose my intuition is what is letting me down! However, having a demonstration of the process did boost my confidence and I am satisfied that with additional practice I could become comfortable with this new version of Photoshop.
Moreover, I believe that the newer interface (as opposed to the pre-creative suite experience I had nearly ten years ago) combined with experience in other programs helped me through this assignment.